GPT Prague 28.5.2016 Legacy

Po pěti kolech a top osmičce vybojoval 2 bye na GP Prague Jiří Adamus

GPT Prague 28.5.2016 Legacy


1.místo – Jiří Adamus – Shardless BUG


4x Deathrite Shaman

4x Tarmogoyf

3x Baleful Strix

4x Shardless Agent

4x Ancestral Vision

4x Brainstorm

4x Abrupt Decay

2x Hymn to Tourach

1x Toxic Deluge

1x Maelstrom Pulse

4x Force of Will

2x Liliana of the Veil

1x Jace, the Mind Sculptor

4x Polluted Delta

4x Verdant Catacombs

2x Místy Rainforest

3x Underground Sea

2x Tropical Island

1x Bayou

2x Wasteland

1x Creeping Tar Pit

1x Island

1x Swamp

1x Forest



1x Vendilion Clique

3x Thoughtseize

2x Surgical Extraction

1x Flusterstorm

1x Disfigure

1x Diabolic Edict

1x Golgari Charm

1x Toxic Deluge

1x Dismember

1x Grafdigger’s Cage

1x Pithing Needle

1x Null Rod


2.místo – Tomáš Kuchta


4x Deathrite Shaman

4x Tarmogoyf

4x Dark Confidant

1x Scavenging Ooze

3x Bloodbraid Elf

3x Thoughtseize

3x Lightning Bolt

4x Abrupt Decay

3x Hymn to Tourach

3x Punishing Fire

1x Sylvan Library

4x Liliana of the Veil

4x Polluted Delta

4x Verdant Catacombs

3x Bayou

3x Badlands

4x Grove of the Burnwillows

3x Wasteland

1x Swamp

1x Forest



2x Pyroblast

2x Duress

2x Extirpate

1x Golgari Charm

1x Maelstrom Pulse

1x Dismember

1x Kolaghan’s Command

1x Engineered Explosives

1x Grafdigger’s Cage

1x Pithing Needle

2x Choke


3.místo – Tomáš Már – 4C Delver


4x Deathrite Shaman

4x Delver of Secrets

3x Tarmogoyf

2x Baleful Strix

1x Snapcaster Mage

4x Ponder

4x Brainstorm

2x Lightning Bolt

2x Spell Pierce

4x Daze

3x Abrupt Decay

2x Painful Truths

1x Dismember

1x Kolaghan’s Command

4x Force of Will

3x Místy Rainforest

3x Polluted Delta

2x Scalding Tarn

2x Flooded Strand

2x Tropical Island

2x Volcanic Island

2x Underground Sea

3x Wasteland



2x Grim Lavamancer

1x Baleful Strix

2x Pyroblast

1x Red Elemental Blast

1x Flusterstorm

1x Invasive Surgery

1x Life from the Loam

2x Diabolic Edict

1x Dismember

1x Submerge

1x Nihil Spellbomb

1x Wasteland


4.místo – Pavel Vladík – Grixis Delver


4x Deathrite Shaman

4x Delver of Secrets

3x Young Pyromancer

1x Vendilion Clique

2x Gurmag Angler

4x Gitaxian Probe

4x Brainstorm

4x Ponder

4x Lightning Bolt

2x Cabal Therapy

1x Spell Pierce

1x Forked Bolt

4x Daze

4x Force of Will

4x Flooded Strand

2x Místy Rainforest

2x Polluted Delta

3x Volcanic Island

2x Underground Sea

1x Tropical Island

4x Wasteland



1x Grim Lavamancer

2x Baleful Strix

2x Pyroblast

2x Surgical Extraction

1x Cabal Therapy

1x Darkblast

1x Ancient Grudge

2x Painful Truths

1x Dismember

1x Engineered Explosives

1x Pithing Needle


5.místo – Ondřej Kopička – Esper Deathblade


4x Deathrite Shaman

4x Stoneforge Mystic

4x Baleful Strix

2x Snapcaster Mage

2x True-Name Nemesis

4x Brainstorm

4x Thoughtseize

4x Swords to Plowshares

1x Ponder

2x Abrupt Decay

3x Force of Will

1x Umezawa’s Jitte

1x Batterskull

2x Jace, the Mind Sculptor

4x Flooded Strand

4x Polluted Delta

3x Tundra

2x Underground Sea

1x Tropical Island

1x Scrubland

1x Bayou

2x Wasteland

1x Creeping Tar Pit

1x Karakas

1x Island

1x Swamp



1x Vendilion Clique

1x Notion Thief

2x Flusterstorm

2x Surgical Extraction

1x Negate

1x Life from the Loam

1x Abrupt Decay

1x Council’s Judgment

1x Supreme Verdict

1x Force of Will

1x Engineered Explosives

1x Pithing Needle

1x Sword of Fire and Ice


6.místo – Jan Zuskač – Sneak and Show

4x Griselbrand

4x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

3x Gitaxian Probe

4x Brainstorm

3x Spell Pierce

2x Ponder

2x Intuition

4x Show and Tell

4x Force of Will

1x Misdirection

4x Lotus Petal

4x Sneak Attack

2x Jace, the Mind Sculptor

4x Scalding Tarn

2x Flooded Strand

2x Polluted Delta

3x Volcanic Island

3x Ancient Tomb

2x City of Traitors

2x Island

1x Mountain



2x Red Elemental Blast

3x Pyroclasm

1x Echoing Truth

2x Through the Breach

2x Grafdigger’s Cage

1x Pithing Needle

4x Blood Moon


7.místo – Martin Ulšianský – Sneak and Show

4x Griselbrand

3x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

4x Brainstorm

4x Ponder

3x Spell Pierce

2x Preordain

1x Intuition

4x Show and Tell

4x Force of Will

4x Lotus Petal

2x Sensei’s Diving Top

2x Blood Moon

4x Sneak Attack

4x Scalding Tarn

1x Polluted Delta

1x Flooded Strand

1x Místy Rainforest

2x Volcanic Island

4x Ancient Tomb

1x City of Traitors

4x Island

1x Mountain



1x Keranos, God of Storms

3x Pyroclasm

2x Sudden Shock

2x Grafdiggger’s Cage

1x Blood Moon

4x Leyline of Sanctity

2x Jace, the Mind Sculptor


8.místo – Tomáš Bor – Abzan Deathblade


4x Deathrite Shaman

4x Tarmogoyf

3x Stoneforge Mystic

3x Dark Confidant

3x Thoughtseize

3x Swords to Plowshares

4x Abrupt Decay

3x Hymn to Tourach

3x Lingering Souls

1x Maelstrom Pulse

1x Sylvan Library

1x Umezawa’s Jitte

1x Sword of Fire and Ice

1x Batterskull

3x Liliana of the Veil

4x Marsh Flats

2x Windswept Heath

2x Verdant Catacombs

2x Bayou

1x Scrubland

1x Savannah

4x Wasteland

1x Karakas

1x Arbor Dryad

2x Swamp

1x Plains

1x Forest



2x Ethersworn Canonist

1x Gaddock Teeg

1x Aven Mindcensor

1x Thrun, the Last Troll

1x Sigarda, Host of Herons

2x Surgical Extraction

1x Zealous Persecution

1x Golgari Charm

1x Pithing Needle

1x Oblivion Ring


3x Leyline of the Void